It is a remarkable moment in life when you realize the hero inside you! It is when you recognize the giant in there; how much you are alive, how much you can add to life, and how much you “are” life. It also drives a compellingly dangerous yet freeing feeling. You might become a larger-than-life personality in your own eyes at times.
Think of what happens when the very same eyes witness that hero, but now, outside yourself. What you would think and how you would feel make a much more intense experience! At first, you wouldn’t believe it happening for it looks surreal. You would want to delve into it even more, only to find your hero, standing there, looking at you closely and watching over you with caress. You can almost hear what his eyes are saying. It now feels even more surreal.
Wasn’t I trying to explore my Self in the journey called life? Didn’t I try my best to stand on mountains and lift my spirit by leaps and bounds every time my foot would slip? Isn’t climbing up there supposed to be a struggle? “Why does it look so beautiful now?” I’d ask myself. I was looking for beauty inside of me all the time; only to find the real beauty – outside: real, genuine, and completely… incredible!
As I once wrote in my journal: “What I found is way more mesmerizing than what I was searching for.” I was searching for the peace and love, strength and wisdom inside of me. What I found is a tantalizing combination of all four in the person You are. Exploring poise, awareness, beauty, religiousness, hope, and ease was zealous when I found them so naturally flowing into You, resembling what I’ve been searching for all through the journey!
The resemblance strengthens my own strength, self, and being. More importantly, it embraces being myself. So the journey called life –as we know it- that favors self-exploration, is from what I realize now only beautiful when I explore myself through you; through your strength; through you being.
“Being” around you is the only being I’d wish for myself. The word “being” is like playing Super Mario Bros. When I was thirteen, I used to play Nintendo’s famous Super Mario game to save the princess. I wanted her to be saved as quickly as possible. So I decided to take the lead in the final stage before I learned to pass through the previous levels. “Saving the princess was more important than learning the little tricks that Super Mario would need on his way to Stage 8 (the last one)”, I used to think.
By getting the “1-Ups”, Mario seeks to optimize his chances for a full recollection of the experience called life, as he makes his way to the princess imprisoned in the dragon castle. Likewise, looking into your eyes, I could hear my heart pump the sparkling sound of Mario's "1-Up". Being with you, the prison breaks and the princess is saved and set free.
Imagine! One life gained; one more. One more journey to enjoy at every “1-up” collected. Every time I See You, it feels like a “1-up”! It feels like a new life, revitalized to see myself through you even more.