Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunee: Many Thanks

Thank you for being my coach in the Peace Revolution program. Your motivation is a blessing that I treasure. You help me with my visualizations and center, and after each daily session, I receive positive feedback and important suggestions from you. Today, I am meditating on my own (only because the video on your website is muted). And I imagined myself  to be Love. I was giving out hearts and bubbles and waves and light for everyone, and some great big hearts were flying to people far away whom I don’t really know. I was walking my life, and I bumped into loving people that my magnet caught, whom I deserve to have around me. And there, I saw you.
A Big Thank You for all your efforts!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jana

    How wonderful you are ! I am humble to be mentioned on your blog . i am just a little woman who wants nothing but a balance in life.

    I should contact the webmaster concerning video online. Because you are so important to the peace revolution.

    Thank you for your gratitude

    Big hug

